N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba": description, characters, analysis of the work

In 1842 N.V. Gogol wrote the story “Taras Bulba”, which was later included in his collection “Mirgorod”. In the story, Nikolai Vasilyevich showed in the main character a true patriot, a defender of his native land.

Taras Bulba is a true Cossack. His whole appearance was “created for abusive anxiety”, he was “distinguished by the rough directness of his character” and most of all “loved the simple life of the Cossacks”, so the Zaporozhye Sich is a real home for him, so he spends most of his time there, not rushing to his wife , and that is why he immediately decides to go to Zaporozhye after his sons arrive home from Kyiv, in order to check Ostap and Andriy in their loyalty to the Cossack service. Taras Bulba loves his children, like his wife, but does not understand her, because the main thing for him is to be a real warrior, defender, comrade, patriot, and not a family man, so his wife “saw her husband for two or three days a year, and then for several years there was no rumor of him.”

The old Cossack considered himself a true defender of Orthodoxy and did not tolerate luxury and wealth in any form. Distrustful of everything new and not liking teaching, Taras understands the need for education in the conditions of new times. It was for this purpose that his sons were sent to the Kyiv Bursa, where they were trained in all sciences. Equally loving his sons, the old Cossack better understands the elder Ostap, for whom, just like for his father, the main thing is the bonds of camaraderie. According to Taras Bulba: “There is no bond more sacred than partnership!.. since only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.” Andriy betrayed the bonds of partnership and became an enemy for his father, and Ostap remained faithful to his duty to the end, and therefore Taras almost destroyed himself, trying to save not just his son, but his comrade.

The life of the old Cossack ends tragically, at the stake, but even here he behaves like a true hero, caring not about easing his fate, but about the lives of other Cossacks: “but Taras did not look at the fire, he did not think about the fire with which they were going to burn him ; He looked, heartfelt, in the direction where the Cossacks were shooting back: from above he could see everything clearly.”

In terms of strength and power, Taras Bulba can be compared with an epic hero, the old Cossack is the very embodiment of Russian strength, and “are there such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower Russian strength.”

In the story “Taras Bulba” N.V. Gogol described the main character as a real national hero. For the writer, the most important thing was not the historical validity of the events, but the gigantic strength, the heroism of the main character, the desire of Taras Bulba to defend his homeland to the last drop of blood.

(Option 2)

There is no force that could overcome Russian force.

Taras Bulba is a hero similar to the heroes of the heroic epic of antiquity. He is strong and cunning, for him there is no higher value in life than partnership: “There are no bonds more holy than partnership! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.”

For Taras Bulba there is no concept of “family” in the usual sense of the word. To love your wife, to be near her means to become rich, to stop being a real Cossack. He cannot tolerate inaction; he wants to test his children in action, in battle. For this reason, he makes a coup in the Sich. Taras had a chance to see children in battle, and he could rejoice: “In one month, the newly fledged chicks matured and were completely reborn and became men.” Ostap seemed to be a born warrior and possessed composure in battle. Taras believed that he “would be a good colonel, and one that could put daddy in his belt.” Andriy did not think in battle, he went for what “a cold-blooded and reasonable person would never dare to do.” As Taras said, “not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior,” however, he also told his son: “Women will not bring you to good.”

Both of my father's prophecies came true. Ostap at the age of twenty-two becomes ataman of the kuren. Andriy betrayed by loving. Having killed Andriy, Taras regrets that his son “disappeared ingloriously, like a vile dog!” He only has two sons, but Taras would have killed Ostap without a second thought if he had betrayed his faith, his homeland, and his comrades. The father punished one son for betrayal, the other was captured before his eyes. Miraculously, Taras survived this battle and makes his way to Warsaw and is present at the execution of Ostap. And, as in battle, Taras repeated approvingly: “Good, son, good!” His second son did not let him down, Taras could proudly look at the people, and, risking his life, answered Ostap’s heartfelt cry: “I hear you!” He not only heard Ostap's last cry, but also avenged his death. Taras burned eighteen towns, women and children were burned. “This is a wake for Ostap for you, enemy Poles!” - Taras said. “Even the Cossacks themselves seemed excessive in his merciless ferocity and cruelty,” revenge for his sons.

Taras was captured and burned alive, but even at the stake he thought about his comrades. “Will there really be such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force!”

Taras Bulba is the main character of the story of the same name by N.V. Gogol, a Cossack colonel, a brave warrior, the father of Ostap and Andriy. This is a very strong-willed person who faithfully defends his homeland and religion. He was one of the indigenous Cossack colonels of the old school. He was distinguished by his brutal straightforwardness and stern disposition. Despite his advanced age, he was quite strong physically and mentally. For this hero it is important to be a defender, a warrior, a loyal comrade and a patriot. Therefore, his wife hardly saw him, except maybe two or three days a year. Family is in the background for him, although the upbringing and education of children was very important. Both sons, Ostap and Andriy, were sent to study in Kyiv.

Upon his return, he decided to teach them the school of life and took them to Zaporozhye himself, where they went to war against the Poles. There, during the battle, it became obvious that the youngest son Andriy was capable of renouncing everyone for the sake of love for a woman. Not forgiving him for his weakness, cowardice and betrayal, Taras Bulba killed him with his own hands, without even burying him. And for the sake of his eldest son, who was a real warrior and bravely fought for his homeland, he was ready to do anything.

But fate turned out to be cruel to the old Cossack and took Ostap from him. He was captured and executed in Warsaw. Taras Bulba was present at the execution of his son and could not do anything. At the end of the story, the army of the Polish hetman Nicholas of Polotsk overtook Taras. He was tied with an iron chain to a tree and burned. Before his death, he managed to leave a parting message to his comrades about which way was best to escape. The fugitive Cossacks managed to escape along the river, for which they were very grateful to their chieftain. Undoubtedly, Taras Bulba was a hero of his time. In depicting him, the author used events from the lives of other outstanding commanders and atamans.

N.V. Gogol is one of the outstanding writers of the 19th century. His work still lives on, and famous stories and comedies are filmed not only in Russia, but also abroad. The works of N.V. Gogol contain many secrets. The life of the writer was no less mysterious.

Life and work of N.V. Gogol

N.V. Gogol’s interest in literature arose in childhood. At first, the writer was engaged in collecting Russian-Ukrainian folklore, in particular songs. He combined them in the book “Little Russian Lexicon”. Gogol worked on this dictionary for several years.

N.V. Gogol studied at the gymnasium, and after graduating he moved to St. Petersburg. The city had a huge influence on the writer’s work. It is here that the literary career of N.V. Gogol begins. First he writes “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka.” The work is associated with the romance of people's lives. In literature, Gogol was one of the first writers who described in such detail the joys and sorrows of ordinary rural people.

A few years later, two collections of stories were published, “Mirgorod” and “Arabesques”. At the same time, N.V. Gogol wrote “Petersburg Tales”.

After the premiere of the comedy “The Inspector General,” N. V. Gogol stopped writing for some time: “The Inspector General” was received with terrible criticism. People did not understand the comedy and considered it an empty joke, a mockery of people.

After N.V. Gogol writes “Dead Souls,” another immortal work.

The writer died under mysterious circumstances. According to recollections, he was very sick and died in agony. Several decades after his death, the body was exhumed. There was a hypothesis that it was lethargy, and on the lid of the coffin they allegedly even found marks resembling scratches from nails. However, this fact has not been proven.

“Taras Bulba”: the history of writing the story

The story “Taras Bulba” was included in the collection of stories “Mirgorod”. The image of Taras Bulba is considered one of the most controversial in Russian literature.

When working on the story “Taras Bulba,” Gogol had to study a large amount of historical materials. However, he lacked official documents: the writer wanted to feel the soul of people, find out their mentality, signs and everyday side of life. Gogol was engaged in the poetics of folk songs, and this influenced the image of Taras Bulba and other characters.

Work on the story lasted about 9 years, the writer worked intermittently. Gogol worked from 1833 to 1842. The story was edited several times.

His two sons, Ostap and Andriy, come to visit Taras Bulba. He goes with them to the Zaporozhye Sich so that young people can see how real Cossacks live and become real men. The image of Taras Bulba is written out in detail: he is a real stern Cossack who wants to stand up for his Fatherland. In the Sich, Ostap and Andriy fight the Poles, but Andriy suffers from love for a Polish woman. In the end, Andriy runs to the besieged city to his beloved, thereby renouncing his family. Andriy joins the Poles and fights on their side. Taras Bulba kills Andriy for betrayal. “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” Gogol quotes him as saying (“Taras Bulba”). The image of Taras is increasingly revealed to the reader. He goes on to fight. Ostap is captured and executed in the square. Taras Bulba goes to avenge the death of his son, but his regiment is defeated. The hero is burned alive at the stake.

Problems of the story “Taras Bulba”

First of all, this is a problem of education. The image of Taras Bulba in the story is surprisingly revealed when he tells his sons to go to the Sich. At the same time, Andriy and Ostap unquestioningly obey their father.

The second problem is love for the Motherland, the patriotic feelings of each hero. The reader clearly sees that between family relationships and the country, Taras chooses the Fatherland. Taras does not spare his son, and, having lost Andriy, continues to fight together with Ostap.

The third topic can be identified as the problem of choosing between patriotic and love feelings. Andriy became so carried away by the lady that he betrayed the Cossacks. He couldn't fight his attraction to this girl.

Image of Taras Bulba

The main character has all the advantages of a person of the era described in the story. He is a wise leader who is not created for a family hearth. Unyielding and decisive, he hates his enemies and desperately fights Polish oppression. At the same time, Taras did not like luxury. He preferred the simple life of the Cossacks.

The main features of Taras Bulba during the conflict with Andriy are revealed. Realizing that his own son betrayed the Fatherland, Taras does not hesitate to kill him without a feeling of pity, confident that he is right. And how much inner strength the reader observes in Taras Bulba during the execution of Ostap! This strong-willed man sees how his son and his pride are being taken out to be executed, but he does not betray himself in any way.

After the death of Ostap, Taras can be called cruel. But he fought for a just cause: it was necessary to end the fight with the Poles and avenge the death of his son.

This is truly a story created for the people. “Taras Bulba” (the image of Ostap is proof of this) is a masterfully written work that is close and understandable to everyone.

Image of Ostap

Taras Bulba saw Ostap as a good warrior from the very beginning of his life in the Zaporozhye Sich. Fearless, strong, he impressed even experienced Cossacks. His character was similar to Taras - just as strong and strong-willed. It is worth noting that when Ostap was executed, he did not utter a sound of prayer. He stoically accepted his death. The only thing he wanted was to look at his father, the closest person at that time, for the last time.

The images of the heroes (Taras Bulba is the brightest of them) are impressive and natural. N.V. Gogol was able to perfectly convey the state of people fighting for independence.

Taras Bulba, the main character of the story by N.V. Gogol, is a collective image that embodies all the main features of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. This is an old warrior who spent his entire life in campaigns, battles and riotous feasts. The indestructible spirit of freedom makes him unbridled and capricious. However, as a military man, Taras knows very well what military discipline is. After all, he is not a simple Cossack, but a colonel who knows how to make people obey and lead them.

The high position of Taras Bulba in the Zaporozhye army is supported by his strong financial position. He has a vast farm, a lot of land, farmsteads, peasants, and so on. However, he appeared at home extremely rarely, leaving his wife to take care of both the housework and raising his two sons, whom we see in the story as adults who returned home after receiving their education.

Taras treats his wife condescendingly, as if she were an insignificant being who does not have the right to vote. The stern father also urges his sons not to succumb to female love, even if this love is maternal, so as not to “become a fool” and not to soften in soul. He wants to see them as strong warriors, strong and resilient, real comrades in arms. Therefore, at the first meeting with them after a long separation, he starts a fight with the elder in order to test his temperament and fighting qualities. After all, he needs to know who he will bring to the Zaporozhye Sich, whether it will be a shame to show the offspring to his comrades.

The opinion of his comrades meant a lot to Taras Bulba. After all, it was the spirit of camaraderie that firmly united the Zaporozhye army. The Cossacks always placed love for the Motherland, honor and military brotherhood above love for family and affection for home. In the most dramatic final scene of the work, the hero, dying a painful death, does not stop thinking about his comrades and still shows them the path to salvation.

The meaning of Taras Bulba’s life was serving his country, his people, the Christian faith and the Zaporozhye Sich. He did not forgive anyone for the betrayal of these ideals, not even his own son. Having learned about Andriy’s transition to the side of the Poles, Taras kills him with his own hands with the words: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you.” All the more dear to the old colonel was the only remaining son Ostap, who showed himself to be a brave warrior who fully met his father’s expectations. Therefore, when Ostap is captured, the father does everything possible to save his son. However, all his attempts fail. The last time Taras sees his son is during the execution. Exhausted by torture, Ostap turns to his invisible father with the words: “Where are you? Do you hear? And at this terrible moment Taras forgets about all his severity and restraint, despising the danger that threatens him, answers him: “I hear!”

Option 2

People who purposefully go towards their goal, for whom there are no barriers to what they strive for, are very dangerous, because for them the motto and credo in life is “The end justifies the means.” Such people are very dangerous, because they will stop at nothing.

Taras Bulba is a man who never gives up. He is among those for whom the goal is even more important than family and children. This man lived in a cruel time, a time of wars for his land, homeland and country. It was these main characters that Gogol wanted to show readers what a true patriot of his country, the land where he was born and raised, should be.

Taras Bulba is a symbol of patriotism, purposefulness in one’s life, as well as devotion and fidelity to the end to one’s just cause. After all, it was this man who did not break when he was cruelly tortured and beaten so that he would betray his country and his friends, but he was able to withstand everything and not surrender to the mercy of his enemies. Taras Bulba is a cruel man, but at the same time strong, brave and decisive. It would seem that there is no fear for him, because what is scary to others means nothing to him.

In general, Bulba - at first glance it seems that he is a simple person with a strong and friendly family, a good wife and mother for his children. It also seems that in principle this is true, that he is good-natured, cheerful and also a joker. Also, he has many friends, relatives, godfathers and godchildren. This man is unusually hospitable, which is what every true Ukrainian has. Taras Bulba is a wealthy man, has good thinness, a yard and a strong house. His wife is a good woman who gave birth to two children for her husband, who, when they grew up, went to gain knowledge far from home. His sons are the pride of mother and father. Handsome, tall fellows who are smart and cheerful, and also brave and desperate, like their father.

The most cruel act of Taras Bulba, which characterizes him from various sides, is the murder of his own son. Taras Bulba took his already adult sons to the war, as he was confident in their complete devotion. And so it was for the time being. After all, one son turned out to be too weak-willed, as it seemed to his father. He fell in love with a Polish girl, that is, with an enemy, since they fought against Poland. That is why the son went over to the side of the enemies, because he loved him very much. But Taras Bulba did not understand him, and decided that his son was worthy of contempt, and also disgraced him. And therefore, with the words “I gave birth to you, I will kill you,” he killed him with a shot from a firearm.

The image of Taras Bulba - essay for 7th grade

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote a great story called "Taras Bulba". In this story, Gogol tried to reflect all the traditions and morals of the Cossack army, to reflect the difficult time when the Ukrainian land was subject to attacks by the Poles, that is, the “Poles.” The main character is Taras Bulba.

His character was imbued with the Orthodox faith, Cossack principles and laws. He was very harsh, even with his sons, whom he sought to raise as brave warriors. Even when his sons return home from school, he tests their endurance and gets into a fight with his eldest son. Taras Bulba had leadership and oratorical qualities and was one of the most prominent Cossacks of that time. Taras lived his whole life adhering to the Cossack rules, which he never condemned and believed that it was the Cossack’s duty to live according to these rules. He could support his close comrade at a difficult moment, he could ignite the hearts of his warriors during a battle so that they would not know pain and would fight until their last breath. He is a brother to all Cossacks, he is a friend. Partnership for Taras Bulba is his rule of life. The brotherhood of the Cossack people must exist in both good times and bad, they must always support and respect each other.

Taras Bulba may seem like a controversial person to many. This is due to the fact that for him the Cossacks are more important than family. When his youngest son Andriy goes over to the side of the Poles, when Andriy goes into battle against his own native Cossacks and begins to cut down one after another with a saber, then Taras Bulba decides to do the act not of his father, but of a Cossack. He utters the famous phrase: “I gave birth to you, I will kill you!” and kills his own son. Betrayal is unacceptable for Taras. He is ashamed that his son turned out like this.

When his eldest son shouted in the direction of the gathered crowd, which was watching him being killed, Taras could not stand it. "Where are you? Can you hear?" - asks Ostap, and around the crowd of enemies, realizing that he will be caught and killed, with tears in his eyes he shouts “I hear! I hear, son!” This is a heroic act. When Taras was burned alive at the stake, he realized that death was near, but until the last he said that the Cossack would never surrender. He shouted to his comrades to run to the shore. Taras wanted to save them until the last moment. Taras Bulba is a real Cossack, a real person, with all his contradictory, but in my opinion always correct actions in life.

Essay on the topic Characteristics of Taras Bulba

Taras Bulba is the main character of Gogol's work "Taras Bulba". In the image of Taras Bulba, the author conveyed all the best qualities of the Ukrainian people that appeared during the period when Ukraine was dependent on Poland. Gogol in his work wanted to show that the Ukrainian people can stand up for themselves and are characterized by patriotism and loyalty.

Taras Bulba's relationship with his wife was not very good, he did not listen to her, he used the rule “the man is the master of the house.” He forbade being with children for a long time, because they could bloom and become tender, but at that time this was considered normal.

It can also be noted that Taras Bulba does not like tenderness, and relations with other people are very good. He sensibly assesses the chances and strengths of everyone, speaks directly, without hiding anything. Taras Bulba has a clear plan, this is why the Cossack brothers fell in love with him, for his coherence, attentiveness and thinking through every step, because it was not for nothing that he was proclaimed the best ataman.

Taras has generosity, his soul is broad, but at the same time he is ready to stand up for himself, his family and his homeland. He loves his own people with all his big heart and also hates his enemy very much. He is honest with everyone and with himself, is not petty and does not have selfishness. Taras is completely imbued with the idea of ​​standing up for his homeland. It is because of his ardent patriotism that he kills his son when he finds out about his love for a Polish woman.

For Taras, his ideals are more important than his son; he is devoted to his rules. He considers this betrayal and baseness. And when the eldest son dies from torture, it is the height of valor and honor. He even cruelly takes revenge on his enemies for his son - he burns their houses and destroys everything in his path. Taras himself dies a hero when he is attacked by thirty people at once, who do not immediately defeat him. At that moment, he cared little about his death; he thought about his Cossack brothers who would continue their military journey without him. As a result, Taras Bulba loses almost everything - two sons, before his eyes all his native places were destroyed, and his faithful comrades died with valor. And Taras saw the meaning of life only in freedom, faith and protection of his native places.

Based on this, many find it difficult to answer what kind of Taras Bulba is a negative or positive hero.

Yes, Taras Bulba is presented as a valiant patriot of his family, who is ready to defend his people at any moment, but he also has negative qualities - killing his son, even though he betrayed his people, it was impossible to do that. Taras could not understand his own son, because there was too much anger, ferocity and cruelty in his character.

His character was formed gradually, depending on the difficulties that he had to endure. After all, if he had allowed himself to be weak once, he would have faced death. Despite all this, there are no similar heroes in today's world, because concessions and compromises still need to be made.

Taras Bulba is a collective image of the Ukrainian people who was portrayed by Gogol; he did it masterfully and did not miss a single important detail.

Although Taras Bulba is the hero of Gogol’s work, it is safe to say that there were others like him, the entire Ukrainian people had similar traits (honor, dignity and love for their homeland).

In conclusion, we can say that even though Taras Bulba was a national hero, one should not forget about mercy and understanding, because human life is important. You need to learn to love your native land and protect it, find the strength to fight your enemies and not lose your freedom and the freedom of your people, as Taras Bulba did in Gogol’s work.

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  • Gogol described each character with great love and zeal. He was a true artist who was able to translate a visual image into words. Each of his characters is bright and memorable, and the images he created forever entered the history of world literature. From this point of view, the image of Taras Bulba in Gogol’s story, the work on which took the author more than 10 years, seems interesting.

    To create an image you need to take into account many factors. For example, the character that determines the behavior of the hero, prototypes of the image and appearance. It is known that Bulba had a black horse named Devil, who could still withstand the heavy body of the Cossack. Taras was not very tall, but a large man. Bulba is not an ordinary Cossack; he has the military rank of colonel. Taras Bulba in the text of the story is characterized as a stubborn person who stands up for truth and justice. From the first chapter, the reader learns that Bulba has a negative attitude towards those who decide to adopt Polish customs. He considered himself an active champion of the Christian faith: if Bulba found out that tenants were oppressing ordinary peasants, the Cossack took up a saber and carried out reprisals. Bulba was a fairly respected Cossack in the Sich. Other Cossacks and the Koshevoi listened to his opinion. We can say that Taras was a good leader, however, he still lacked a little delicacy in solving some problems. Bulba was distinguished by his ferocity (the Cossacks themselves thought so after they elected Bulba as ataman).

    The image of Taras Bulba in Gogol's story is revealed through plot twists. So, in the first chapter, Bulba unexpectedly greets her sons, arranging a fist fight with Ostap. The purpose of this brawl was to test: would Ostap dare to raise his hand against his father, who had offended him? Bulba was happy with the result, and the fight ended as quickly as it began. Taras wants to raise his sons correctly, fearing that maternal care will pamper them, and the wild life in the Sich will destroy them. Taras himself goes to the Sich with one goal: to show off Andriy and Ostap to the Cossacks and remember his Cossack youth. He loves and cares for his sons. In Bulba's opinion, character can only be tempered in battles. When Andriy got tired of the everyday trifles of the campaign, Taras encouraged him with the words: “Be patient with the Cossack, you will be an ataman!”

    It is difficult to talk about the relationship between a Cossack and his wife. Bulba is rarely at home, does not value her words, and forbids her to be near the children for too long. But for that time, such an attitude completely fit into the concept of “norm”.

    Bulba is a rather vindictive person. In order to settle scores with the Poles for his murdered son and pay off the gentry for the oppression of the peasants, Bulba gathers an army and again goes to war against Poland. This time there were no long sieges: Bulba burned everything in his path to the ground, obsessed with the thirst for revenge and justice.

    The fate of Taras Bulba was tragic. The reader knows nothing about Taras’s past troubles; one can only assume that the troubles were associated with the Cossacks and raids on the Zaporozhye Sich. Ostap and Andriy mean a lot to Taras; he sees how they gradually transform from timid young men who recently graduated from the seminary into strong men bravely fighting the enemy. He is proud of Ostap, who fearlessly goes into battle and knows what tactics to choose for an attack, and Andriy, who did something that no Cossack could repeat. At first, Bulba did not believe Yankel’s words that the youngest son had abandoned the Cossacks for the sake of a Polish woman, but soon he was convinced of this himself. Bulba sees his son on a black horse - Andriy leads the Polish army into battle. “Taras couldn’t stand it and shouted: “How?.. Your own?.. Are you beating your own, damn son?”

    Taras catches up with Andriy, looks into his eyes, asks questions about how he could do this. But Andriy does not answer his father. Perhaps the final disappointment for Taras were Andriy’s last words. Before his death, it was not the Fatherland and the Cossacks that he remembered; Andriy pronounced the lady’s name.

    Bulba could not come to terms with the fact that his son so easily abandoned everything that his father had raised in him for years. The built ideals turned out to be more important for Taras Bulba than the life of his own son.

    The eldest son, Ostap, was taken prisoner. Taras uses every opportunity to save him. He undertakes a dangerous task, risks his life several times, but achieves his goal. Bulba Sr. managed to look at least for a moment at a real Cossack, Ostap Bulbenko, whose life was cut short too early. So Bulba was deprived of everything that was dear to him: one son betrayed him, the second, although he was a worthy son of his father, was executed in Dubno, old friends and comrades died in battles near Poland or in battles with the Tatars, and the Sich was plundered. Everything was new for Taras in the Sich, not native. The meaning of Taras Bulba’s life was the Zaporozhye Sich, freedom and the Christian faith. Three pillars of his world order that collapsed overnight.

    This description of the image of the main character can be useful for students in grades 6-7 when preparing an essay on the topic “The Image of Taras Bulba in Gogol’s story”

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