How much and how to cook vermicelli in soup and milk porridge? Vermicelli - types, composition and beneficial properties How to cook small noodles for a side dish.

This vermicelli is from my early childhood. Both my mother and grandmother prepared it. And my grandmother also told me how her mother and grandmother prepared such a dish. Only instead of vermicelli then there was homemade noodles. So this recipe is at least two centuries old.
The recipe, although simple and, frankly speaking, not rich, is very tasty.

Vermicelli lies one to one, without sticking together. The aroma is very rich.

The taste is not at all the same as regular boiled vermicelli. And even the texture becomes different after frying., COMPOUND, 1 large onion (150g) 100g vermicelli or noodles 1 glass of water (250g), 0.5 teaspoon salt, 1 tbsp vegetable oil (17g)

, 15~20g creamy or
10g ghee

Chop the onion as finely as possible.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan over low heat. Put onion.
Fry, stirring frequently, until translucent and color begins to change.

Place a piece of butter in the pan.
Add vermicelli or noodles.
Increase the heat to maximum.

Fry with continuous stirring until the vermicelli turns red.

Carefully! Vermicelli fries very quickly!
Pour boiling water into the pan.
Add salt. Cover the pan with a tight lid. Reduce heat to low.

Simmer for 5 minutes. Try vermicelli. It should be soft, but dense and not falling apart.
Open the lid. If there is excess liquid in the pan, evaporate over high heat.

Serve hot.

When serving, vermicelli can be sprinkled with herbs. This noodles also go well with fresh vegetables or fresh vegetable salads.

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Vermicelli is a type of pasta that is known to everyone thanks to its interesting name, which characterizes its shape - small worms. We can talk about its beneficial properties if it is made from durum wheat.

There are several types and you should know how much and how to cook vermicelli. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the exact cooking time of the product on the packaging. On average, cooking time is 5-10 minutes.

How long to cook vermicelli

How long to cook small vermicelli (spider web)?

Long noodles are cooked for approximately 7-10 minutes if durum products are used. Sometimes the cooking time increases to 12 minutes. Check for doneness after 7 minutes.

How long should you cook vermicelli in soup?

In soup, vermicelli should be cooked for no more than 10 minutes.

How to cook vermicelli

How to cook vermicelli in a saucepan?

Vermicelli in a pan is cooked by following these steps:

  1. Pour water into the pan at the rate of 100 g of product per 1 liter of water.
  2. Bring the water to a boil and add salt to taste, stirring the salt (as a rule, take 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water).
  3. Immerse vermicelli in boiling water and stir thoroughly.
  4. It is necessary to stir the pasta periodically to prevent it from sticking to the sides of the pan.
  5. After 5-7 minutes of cooking, check the vermicelli for doneness.

If you are cooking products from durum wheat and want to achieve “Al dente”, then the vermicelli should be soft on the outside and slightly hard on the inside. Place the vermicelli in a colander and let the water drain. Afterwards you can add butter.

Tip: to prevent the vermicelli from sticking together, add 10 ml of sunflower or olive oil during cooking.

How to cook milk vermicelli?

Step-by-step instructions for preparing milk noodles:

  1. Bring milk to a boil (0.5 liters per 200 g of spider web vermicelli).
  2. Reduce heat and submerge vermicelli, stirring.
  3. Add a pinch of salt and sugar to taste.
  4. Cook for 5-7 minutes, then let the finished dish brew.

How to cook vermicelli in a slow cooker?

To prepare 2 multi-cups of noodles you will need 2.5 multi-cups of hot water. Pour vermicelli into the bowl and fill it with prepared water, close the lid and set the “Pilaf” mode for 10 minutes.

How to cook vermicelli for a child?

You can boil vermicelli for a child using one of the methods described above. Children will definitely like milk noodles.

How to cook vermicelli so that it does not stick together?

It all depends on the quality of the vermicelli used. As a rule, low-grade products still stick together regardless of the techniques.

To prevent the vermicelli from sticking together, add sunflower or olive oil to the water during cooking.

Some housewives advise rinsing pasta with cold water. This has a positive point, since water will wash away the starch, which is the main reason for the noodles sticking together. This method is used if you do not plan to use products with hot sauce in the future. Otherwise the taste will not be the same.

How to cook small vermicelli?

Boil small vermicelli in the form of small stars for 5-7 minutes in salted water. The products must be constantly stirred carefully so that they do not turn into porridge.

How to cook rice vermicelli?

Rice vermicelli is a thin, long noodle and is cooked as follows:

  1. Boil water.

After boiling, add salt and add noodles, stirring.

  1. Bring to a boil and cook for 4-5 minutes and remove from heat.
  2. Place in a colander and let the water drain.

It is located quite far from us. And at the same time, her cuisine has become so closely related to our traditions that no one will even think of refusing another impressive portion of pizza or, of course, risotto. There is nothing to say about the love and respect for pasta - this passion lives in all of us. Some people really like spaghetti or horns, and others like thin vermicelli, despite this, the composition of all of the above products is the same.

But still, sometimes you really want tender chicken broth with elegant noodles and herbs. Or try, say, for breakfast an unusual side dish of small noodles and rice, or maybe just cook noodles and generously flavor it with cheese. So then the question arises: is this right? Really, what needs to be done to make it perfect and not stick together or boil over? So, let's figure out how to cook vermicelli correctly.

About one hundred grams should be enough for only one serving, be sure to take into account that they increase during cooking. Young people who play sports can eat one hundred and fifty grams, and even more. But if you cooked more noodles than necessary, then there is no need to be upset.

All these dishes are even tastier and healthier when heated or fried, because the starch inside is partially caramelized under the influence of additional heat. And for the finished noodles, which are reheated for dinner, you can come up with a completely different dressing - and this will result in a completely different dish.

So, rule one: how to cook vermicelli in a large amount of liquid. Remember: for 100-150 grams of pasta, vermicelli or noodles, take at least one liter of water.

Rule two: how to cook vermicelli in salted boiling water. When the water boils, reduce the heat, then stand near the pan for fifteen minutes so that the water does not boil away!

Rule three. After fifteen minutes we try to see if our vermicelli is cooked. If it’s cooked, strain the vermicelli through a colander, rinse the vermicelli with cold water (this, as we know, removes the starch), then place the vermicelli in a frying pan where the butter or margarine has melted (one tablespoon). Heat the vermicelli for five minutes, stirring gently with a spatula.

Now the vermicelli is ready. Now it's time to refuel. A variety of recipes will tell you how to prepare it.

So, how to cook vermicelli correctly?

It is possible to understand the process of preparing these wonderful ones if we consider the most basic recipes with this delicious product.

For example, we take it with thin noodles.

If you plan to prepare a broth with thin noodles, then you need to take a cup of noodles, a small slice of chicken, a little fresh or dried dill, of course, salt, fragrant bay leaf, black pepper to taste. A piece of chicken is washed, filled with water, the foam must be removed and cooked until almost done. After this, the meat is taken out and cut into pieces. Add vermicelli to the pre-strained broth, add salt, add chopped chicken, and, of course, spices and boil for about 5 minutes. After which the most delicate soup is infused for ten minutes and served.

And finally, a little trick about noodles. You can add a unique piquancy to vermicelli by frying it a little. To do this, pour the vermicelli directly onto a hot frying pan and, stirring, fry until brown. After this procedure, it is possible to add this product instead of rice directly to pilaf or use it in other dishes: casseroles, pancakes, pies, pancakes.

If you follow the advice outlined in the article, you will always figure out how to cook vermicelli in such a way that it does not stick together, does not boil over and is tasty.

Vermicelli(see photo) is one of the most popular dishes not only in Italy itself, where the product originates, but also in other countries of the world. This pasta product refers to products made from unleavened dough. Some gourmets compare this product to spaghetti. But this is a false comparison because vermicelli is slightly shorter and thinner.

The first mention of the preparation of pasta was in one of the books of Martino da Como, who was the head of the household at the papal court. As for the name “Vermicelli” itself, it did not immediately settle down. Back in the fourteenth century, the product had different names: vermicelli, orati, fermentini. And then the word “vermicelli” stuck.

Today, there are such types of this product that differ in size and shape:

  • instant noodles;
  • amateur vermicelli;
  • vermicelli;
  • nests;
  • cobweb.

All types of vermicelli are made from two types of flour: premium (group B) and durum wheat (group A). To create the product, the following ingredients are used: wheat flour, salt, water and eggs.

How is vermicelli different from noodles, pasta and spaghetti?

Vermicelli differs from other types of pasta in that it is short and very thin, and also cooks very quickly (a few minutes are enough and the product is ready).

Spaghetti is the longest of all flour products; it is boiled without breaking it, so that it can then be rolled onto a cutlery and dipped into sauce.

Noodles are a homemade pasta product made by cutting the dough into short and long strips and adding eggs to the dough.

Pasta is formed in the form of various tubes with holes along the edges. They can be different in length and width.


The composition of the flour product includes the following components necessary for human health:

  • amino acids;
  • vitamins (B, E, H, PP);
  • minerals (potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium).

According to the current GOST for pasta, vermicelli must meet the following technological map:

Taking into account all the recommendations, you can easily choose a quality product. This product can be found on the shelves of any store and purchased at an affordable price. The shelf life of the raw product is exactly twelve months from the date of manufacture. Store in tight packaging in a cool, dark place.

Beneficial properties and harm

The beneficial properties of vermicelli have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body, strengthening health and improving well-being.

Since it contains many nutrients, it is used:

  • to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in order to cleanse the body of unnecessary toxins;
  • for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • to improve the functioning of the central nervous system.

Along with the benefits, this product can also cause harm to health. Since the calorie content of the product is quite high, excessive consumption of flour products threatens the appearance of extra pounds.

Consumption of vermicelli for diabetes is allowed, but in strictly limited quantities. Doctors advise eating products made only from durum wheat. If a person is at the first stage of the disease, then he can consume the product as much as he wants. At the second stage of the disease, you should eat in limited quantities so as not to aggravate your health condition, while introducing vegetables and fruits into your diet, as well as drinking vitamin complexes. Before eating pasta, you should consult your doctor; he should prescribe what and how much you can eat.

As for people suffering from gastritis and pancreatitis, many experts recommend adding vermicelli to the diet, but it should be eaten in moderation.

People who are on a diet can introduce vermicelli into their diet, but in small quantities, so as not to gain extra pounds. Many nutritionists advise eating pasta made only from durum wheat. You cannot add ketchups, sauces, or deli meats to noodles. The only thing you can combine pasta with is seafood. It is not recommended to sugar or oil the vermicelli; you need to add a little salt.

Experts advise using this product together with stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini and garlic). To do this, you first need to boil the vermicelli. Then simmer the vegetables in a frying pan and then mix with the pasta. You need to eat strictly four hours before bedtime. After six o'clock in the evening you should only consume fruits and any liquid.

Many mothers ask the question: “Is it possible to give pasta to children?” Doctors advise starting to administer this product only when the child turns exactly one year old. It is used for preparing hot dishes. But you shouldn’t often eat vermicelli as a side dish to avoid gaining excess weight.

What can you cook with vermicelli?

You can cook quite a lot of different dishes with noodles. It is used not only for preparing hot dishes, but is also served along with meat and fish delicacies.

This product is great for making soups (with cheese, with eggs, with meatballs, with potatoes, with mushrooms, with beans, with chickpeas, chicken soup, milk soup, tomato soup).

Vermicelli also goes well with meat products (nests with minced meat, with stewed meat, with sausage, with chicken breast, with sausages, with pork, with beef, with turkey, with lungs, with chicken fillet, with chicken legs, hearts, wings, with ham).

Some chefs also add fish delicacies (sprat, shrimp, crab sticks, saury) to the noodles.

This product is the basis for preparing casseroles, omelettes, pancakes, pies and lasagnas. Pasta lovers put vermicelli in salads, pilaf, rice, and prepare naval vermicelli.

This pasta can also be eaten with vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, green peas, beans, broccoli, zucchini, spinach, corn).

If you don’t want to cook pasta for a long time, you can use instant noodles. But it is not very healthy, so excessive consumption can harm the body.

As you can see, there are many different dishes that use vermicelli. And they will all have an excellent aroma and amazing taste.

How to do it yourself?

Making vermicelli with your own hands is very easy. All you have to do is follow the simple recipe step by step and everything will definitely work out.

To do this, you will need to take a small container and pour three hundred grams of premium wheat flour into it. Then beat in one chicken egg, pour in half a glass of milk and add salt to taste. Next, knead the dough well and set it aside, covered with a towel, for about twenty minutes. Afterwards, you need to divide the dough into three equal parts and roll each into a thin layer. Then cut the layers into strips about two centimeters wide, stack them on top of each other and cut into small cubes. Next, distribute the finished product on a baking sheet and place in the oven for about one hour to allow the vermicelli to dry. Then you can put the pasta in a bag and tie it. Vermicelli is ready to eat.

How to cook properly at home?

To properly cook vermicelli at home, you do not need any special culinary experience. The main thing is to follow the recipe step by step, and then everything will definitely work out. This product can be prepared not only in a saucepan, but also in a frying pan, oven and electrical appliances (microwave, multicooker).


Cooking method

In a slow cooker

To cook vermicelli, you need to put about fifty grams of butter in a heated electrical appliance to melt it, then add about two hundred grams of vermicelli and select the “Frying” program. Then pour in a glass of water and salt to taste. Switch the program to “Pilaf”. Wait for the dish to be ready.

In a frying pan

To fry vermicelli, you need to heat a frying pan and add about thirty grams of butter. Then, when the butter melts, you need to add about three hundred grams of vermicelli and fry until the product acquires a golden color. Next, you need to pour in three hundred grams of water and wait until the liquid evaporates. Then pour in three hundred grams of water again, add salt to taste and boil until the liquid has evaporated.

In a saucepan

To cook vermicelli, you need to take a small saucepan, pour three glasses of water into it and boil. Next, add vermicelli, salt to taste and cook for ten minutes until the product becomes soft. Then drain the liquid and place the noodles on a plate.

In the microwave

To prepare vermicelli, you need to take a special container for an electrical appliance, pour three glasses of hot water into it, add four hundred grams of vermicelli, salt to taste, add a tablespoon of refined oil and put it in the microwave to cook. You need to stir the pasta every two minutes to prevent it from sticking. Then drain the liquid and place the finished product on a plate.

Below is a video on how to cook fried vermicelli with egg.

Vermicelli is an excellent seasoning for soups and a side dish for meat dishes. It can be prepared as a casserole or served with special sauces. Children love nutritious and tasty noodle dishes. But in order to preserve the attractive appearance of the vermicelli and so that it does not boil over, you need to cook it according to the rules.

Vermicelli: how to cook it correctly

General rules for cooking pasta

Since vermicelli is one of the types of pasta, you need to cook pasta in the same way as all the others - in a large amount of salted water. The water must boil before you throw the noodles into it. Immediately after immersion, stir the vermicelli and reduce the heat to medium. It is better not to cover the pan with a lid - the foam formed during cooking will flow onto the stove.

The cooking time for vermicelli depends very much on what type it is and what kind of flour was used to prepare it. Therefore, every self-respecting manufacturer indicates this parameter on the packaging. If it is vermicelli of the highest grades, durum wheat is used for it - the so-called “durum”. This is a guarantee that if the cooking time is observed, the vermicelli will not become boiled, you don’t even need to rinse it in cold water - just drain the water through a colander, put the vermicelli in a saucepan and put a piece of butter in it.

If you are afraid that the vermicelli will stick together during cooking, add a tablespoon of olive oil to the boiling water.

How to cook vermicelli correctly

If there are no recommendations on the package, the cooking time for noodles depends on the dish and the type of pasta. If it is a “cobweb”, you can pour it into boiling salted water, to which a piece of butter has already been added, and immediately turn off the heat, closing the pan with a lid. After 15 minutes, the “web” will be ready – you just need to throw it in a colander in time.

Vermicelli in the form of rice grains or small stars should be cooked for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and tasting. When it stops crunching on your teeth, but remains firm, you can drain the water, put the vermicelli in a saucepan, add oil and let it sit under the lid closed for another 10 minutes.