Why you shouldn’t drink coffee before permanent makeup. Eyebrow tattooing and alcohol: why you shouldn’t drink alcoholic beverages

To ensure that the tattoo artist’s work does not disappoint you, you need to prepare for the procedure in advance. Be mentally prepared for the fact that for some time you will not look very presentable - swelling and redness will be observed for two or three days, the places that have been tattooed will become crusty, like the most ordinary scratches. In order to keep unpleasant side effects to a minimum, experts give the following recommendations.

Tattooing and alcohol are not compatible

First, keep in mind that alcohol and tattooing are incompatible things. Here's why: alcohol increases blood pressure, which can lead to bleeding. This seriously complicates the work of the master, and the end result may not be what you expect. In addition, alcohol reduces our body's defenses, which increases the risk of inflammation and herpes.

Ideally, you should stop drinking alcohol one to two weeks before the procedure.

Tattooing and medications

If you feel jitters before the procedure, take some sedatives. You can start taking valerian, motherwort or glycine within three days - this will help cope with your nerves.

If you suffer from frequent exacerbations of herpes, experts recommend taking a course of antiviral drugs, for example, acyclovir. If herpes has already manifested itself as “malaria” on the lips, refrain from visiting the salon until complete recovery.

You should not go to a tattoo salon during your critical period - at this time pain is increased, blood clotting is reduced, and the immune system is weakened.

But blood thinners such as aspirin, ibuprofen or endomethacin, and drugs containing caffeine should not be taken, at least on the day of the procedure.

Tattoo and food

There are a number of foods and drinks that should be excluded from the diet at least 12 hours before the tattoo procedure. You should not eat garlic, natural coffee, black tea, Coca-Cola, or fatty fried foods.

Be sure to have a snack immediately before the procedure. The rumbling of a hungry stomach is a bad accompaniment for the work of a tattoo artist. The procedure itself can last from one to three to four hours - quite enough to make you hungry.

Tattoo care is the most critical period

Particular attention should be paid to tattoo care.

Under no circumstances should you rip off the crust that forms at the site of tattooing - this will lead to the formation of a keloid scar instead of a beautiful and clear line. The crust will fall off on its own in 3-4 days.

During the formation of a secondary crust, when the pigmented surface begins to peel off, it needs to be moistened, for example, with vegetable oil. Grape seed oil, cocoa butter, and almond oil have excellent healing properties. True, this mostly concerns the lips. Eyebrows and eyelids, for the most part, do not cause such inconvenience.

Avoid getting dirt on the wound surface, but keep in mind that under no circumstances should you cover the tattoo with a band-aid - this will lead to the crust getting wet and tearing off, which in turn will distort the design.

It is advisable to treat areas of pigmentation with ointments that do not contain antibiotics, for example, “Savior” or “Solcoseryl” balm. A tattoo artist should recommend the most suitable products to you.

Tattooing eyebrows, lips and eyelids is popular among the fair sex. This is a minor surgical procedure associated with violating the integrity of the skin and requiring certain preparation. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to take into account contraindications.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to drink alcohol after tattooing and before the procedure? Cosmetologists give a clear answer: “No.” The consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee and aspirin is prohibited during the day. They thin the blood and prevent rapid clotting. As a result, the pigment may not adhere well and gaps will appear.

Why is alcohol contraindicated?

When the skin is damaged, the circulatory system is under stress, and poor clotting will complicate the situation, making healing and recovery more difficult.

Negative consequences of drinking alcohol

  • If you drink alcohol before visiting a beauty salon or a few hours after tattooing, this will lead to intense production of lymph, or ichor. Part of the pigment will leave with it through the blood.
  • Alcohol thins the blood, which negatively affects recovery and rehabilitation time. Bleeding may occur. The wounds will become inflamed and take a long time to heal.
  • You should not drink alcohol, as it dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, which is incompatible with the tattoo procedure.
  • The risk of infection increases if there is alcohol in the blood, especially if the person does not get enough sleep or is overtired.
  • Alcohol is perceived by the body as intoxication, and after permanent makeup, all efforts will be directed toward fighting it rather than healing.

When can restrictions be lifted?

Most cosmetologists do not recommend drinking alcohol one day before the procedure and three days after it. There are medical reasons for this. Alcohol is eliminated from the body within 24 hours, so you need to prepare in advance for visiting a beauty salon. It takes about three days for the wound to heal, and it is better to avoid drinking during this time.

What else is prohibited for consumption:

  • energetic drinks;
  • coffee;
  • medications that affect blood vessels, blood clotting and blood pressure.

It is better to refrain from taking all these substances so as not to increase the healing time after permanent makeup. A long recovery can lead to the formation of scars and other defects, so you should give up alcohol and other substances described in order to later enjoy the reflection in the mirror.

Hooray! The worst is over, you bravely endured the pain and inconvenience, you already have a supply of healing ointment in your medicine cabinet, and on your face there are new, beautiful, still slightly bleeding eyebrows. It seems like this is a reason to invite your friends to the bar for a nice cocktail or a glass of dry red... Not so fast! Even the lightest drink can lead to terrible consequences, which you should read about right now.

Why you can't drink BEFORE

Eyebrow tattooing and alcohol are incompatible. It is also contraindicated for microblading, permanent eye and lip makeup. It is known that it takes 24 hours to remove alcohol from the body. Do not drink alcoholic drinks in one day, or better yet two, for the reasons given below.

Blood thins

With increased bleeding of the skin, applying thin contours or small strokes will be difficult. The blood will wash out the design and the pigments will not stick. A repeat procedure will be required, which means additional costs.

Incompatibility with antihistamines

Cosmetologists and makeup artists advise taking antihistamines 3 days before the procedure to prevent an allergic reaction to pigments. Even if you are not allergic, this will reduce swelling and the wound will heal faster. You should not drink while taking these medications.

Breath! Do not breath!

Drinking alcoholic drinks is fraught with “exhaust” the next day, or more precisely, bad breath. It is the lungs that cleanse the body and remove the breakdown products of ethanol (poison) from the body. The master will be uncomfortable working if you come with an alcoholic amber.


Drinking alcohol before eyebrow or eye tattooing will lower the pain threshold. You will not be able to warn the specialist in time about unpleasant sensations. This may cause severe swelling of the eyelids or lips.

Why not AFTER

It is forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages for 3 days after tattooing, otherwise consequences will not be avoided.

Risk of infection

Even in a completely sterile environment, there is a risk of infection. The immune system is weakened under the influence of alcohol, the body is vulnerable and cannot 100% resist infection.

Slow healing

The skin is injured. When drinking alcohol, the process of tissue regeneration slows down 2-3 times. The body “throws” all its strength into the fight against toxic poisoning caused even by weak alcoholic drinks. Getting rid of the poison becomes his main task. In this case, wounds take longer to heal, sometimes this leads to scars.

The drawing is gone

Alcohol promotes lymph production. It cleanses our body of harmful foreign substances and removes them. As the alcohol is removed, the paint will also disappear. The pigment can also come out completely due to blood thinning under the influence of alcohol. After the procedure, the treatment site will begin to bleed, and the pattern from your eyes or eyebrows will simply “float away.”

What other restrictions

One day before and 3 days after the procedure, it is prohibited:

  • take aspirin-containing blood thinning medications;
  • smoke;
  • drink energy cocktails;
  • drink strong tea, coffee;
  • be in direct sunlight, visit a solarium;
  • use cosmetics.

If the healing process is slow, or an infection has occurred, consult a specialist and follow the prohibitions for up to 3 weeks.

Rehabilitation period

To make the regeneration process painless and quick, follow the recommendations.

  1. Before the session, take a Dicinone tablet to strengthen the capillaries.
  2. Apply ointment with a wound healing effect - Bepanten or Panthenol.
  3. If there is discomfort after permanent treatment, drop Levomycetin or Visin drops into your eyes.
  4. If herpes often occurs on the lips, take an Acyclovir tablet 4 hours before the procedure. Take the rest every 4 hours.
  5. For swelling, take an antihistamine, for example Suprastin, Claritin.

BEFORE cosmetic tattooing (in the very morning, or better yet the day before!), it is strongly recommended not to drink coffee, aspirin and alcohol!


Since cosmetic tattooing allows you to minimize and even in some cases eliminate the use of lipstick and cosmetic pencils, which in turn increase irritation of the skin and mucous tissue and can themselves be a source of infection and an allergen, long-term makeup in such cases may be salvation and it is recommended to be carried out, but in compliance with all necessary preventive measures and tests.


Prevention is necessary, you need to start taking antiherpes drugs, Valtrex 1 tablet 2 times a day 2 days before the procedure and 3 days after (there are 10 tablets in a package, this should be enough for the course) or Acyclovir 2-7 days before the procedure and 3-5 after (according to the treatment regimen recommended in the instructions). If herpes recurs frequently, or if there is a history of herpes zoster, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is advisable for individual selection of a preventative drug. The procedure is carried out only during the period of remission, when there is no inflammatory process. It is also recommended to pre-use hygienic lipstick to moisturize dry lip skin.

In the future, after performing the procedure on the lips, it is necessary to remember that UV rays can provoke a relapse of herpes, because the skin of the lips dries, microcracks appear and the likelihood of herpes increases, to avoid this, it is recommended that when visiting a solarium, relaxing on the beach and in general in everyday life, especially in frosty, windy, hot weather, with increased dryness in the room, regularly moisturize your lips with chapstick , preferably with SPF (sun protection) factor.


If it is allergic in nature (usually to cosmetics), a preliminary skin test of the pigment that will be used is necessary. If conjunctivitis is infectious, then you must first consult an ophthalmologist to select special drops.

General recommendations. UV rays, the primary enemy of permanent makeup (tattoo), when visiting a solarium and on the beach, it is necessary to protect the pigmented area by treating it with sun protection products, creams, lipsticks, powders with an SPF factor (the index indicated on the package is 8.15, 20...multiply by a factor of 15 and we get the period in minutes that the treated skin is under relative protection) After the procedure, for 4-8 days you must avoid places of high humidity, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, steam room, swimming pool, do not swim in ponds and go to the gym for several days. .

Please remember, cosmetic tattooing is not a wound, your skin needs only one thing, so that you touch it as little as possible.

During the day after the procedure (up to 5 times), it is advisable to rinse the pigmented area with clean hands; you can also apply a transparent, thin layer of Vaseline. Our experience has shown that Nivea basic care lipstick perfectly softens the skin and removes discomfort. But nothing more! We assure you that there is no need to use more serious drugs.

The pigment is very superficial, which is why the pigmented surface It needs to avoid any greenhouse effect from prolonged contact with moisture. Within 3-7 days it saturates the skin, after which the shade becomes lighter, maintaining 30-70% of the intensity of the original color. Correction of the procedure can be done no earlier than 3 weeks after the last procedure.

PM (tattoo) is an absolutely safe procedure if all the rules are followed.
The client must inform the specialist about contraindications to the procedure before the procedure, and visit the relevant specialists, if there is a reason, in advance, take care of your health, it is more valuable than beauty!

An ideal permanent tattoo (tattoo) can only be achieved if there is complete mutual understanding, as a result of the established master-client tandem. The client’s task is to inform about health conditions that may negatively affect the final result, strictly follow the recommendations for preparation and care, and clearly explain his wishes during the preliminary sketch and consultation. It is ideal when during a meeting clients are friendly, respectful, sociable and friendly, because... this greatly contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions for communication, better mutual understanding, without which communication is impossible, and as a result, contributes to ideal long-term makeup.

Also, girls seeking long-term makeup services must understand the essence and need for correction of the procedure and be prepared for it. Understand, no matter how golden hearts and hands the masters have, the skin is alive and it has its own laws, it is not at all a fact that despite the master’s desire to do it perfectly in one go, the skin may not absorb as much pigment as we would like. To bring the procedure to perfection, there is a correction, which is carried out no earlier than three weeks later and costs in our studio no more than 25% of the cost of the procedure. In exceptional cases, more than 1 correction is required. After 1-2 years, it is necessary to carry out an update (refresh) to maintain a lasting, beautiful and fresh result.

You can get acquainted with the services of the PermanentHall studio and the portfolio of our specialists on the pages:

Eyebrow tattooing is a popular service that allows you to make eyebrows symmetrical and expressive. Thanks to tattooing, a woman can look attractive at any time of the day.

Although this procedure is considered harmless, it has its contraindications. You need to familiarize yourself with them before going to the salon. This kind of forethought will help you avoid problems in the future.

Read about the causes of eyebrow loss and ways to eliminate this problem in ours.

When not to do it?

Contraindications for eyebrow tattooing are divided into two groups. If there are absolute contraindications to applying permanent makeup Absolutely forbidden.

If there are relative contraindications, the procedure can be performed subject to certain conditions.

Relative contraindications:

If you have any doubts about any contraindications, It is advisable to consult a doctor.

What should you not do before the procedure?

What should not be done before the eyebrow tattoo procedure? In order for the tattoo procedure to be quick and painless, it is necessary prepare for it thoroughly. One day before permanent makeup it is not recommended to:

  1. Drink strong tea and coffee. Can't do without your favorite drink? Allow yourself one cup in the morning, but be sure to dilute the liquid with water or milk.
  2. Sunbathe: neither in a solarium nor in the sun.
  3. Accept alcohol and drugs.
  4. Alcohol and blood thinners (aspirin, for example) increase blood circulation. Because of this, eyebrows begin to bleed during tattooing, and the duration of the procedure increases.

  5. Perform plastic surgery on the eyebrows, upper eyelids and forehead.
  6. Injecting drugs Dysport and Botox.

Compliance with the above conditions will significantly simplify the task and reduce the time of the procedure.

Prohibitions after the procedure

How long should you not wet your eyebrows after tattooing?

Eyebrow healing takes about seven days.

During the first day after the procedure, eyebrows should be treated with a solution chlorhexidine every 1 – 1.5 hours.

Before the eyebrows heal ( complete removal of crusts) it is forbidden:

  • touch your eyebrows with your hands, scratch them, rub them, etc.
  • use decorative cosmetics in the eyebrow area and around them;
  • apply creams, lotions and scrubs;
  • sunbathe (neither on the beach nor in the solarium);
  • engage in active sports (they promote increased sweating);
  • tear off the crusts;
  • wet your eyebrows and steam them;
  • visit baths, saunas, swim in the pool and open water, spend a lot of time in the bathroom.

During the entire healing period, this is about 5-7 days You cannot visit saunas, steam baths, swimming pools, or get permanent makeup wet (you can wash your face).

During the first 10 days, only antiseptic and healing ointments can be used to care for eyebrows. If your eyebrows are very itchy, you can lubricate them twice a day with Vaseline.

Note: sunbathe It is impossible not only before the eyebrows heal, but also after the scabs come off. In this regard, it is advisable to get a tattoo 2-3 weeks before the planned vacation.

Permanent and menstruation

Permanent makeup cannot be done during menstruation, because... during this period significantly the pain threshold decreases, and the risk of bleeding increases.

The actions of the specialist, which you would not feel on another day of the cycle, during menstruation can cause severe pain. In addition, during menstruation the condition changes psycho-emotional system and hormonal levels.

When doing the procedure during menstruation, you may encounter the following problems.