Is it possible to drink coffee after eyebrow tattooing? How to prepare for permanent eyebrow makeup

If you have decided to tattoo your lips, you have probably already been scared by the inevitable appearance of herpes after the procedure. The situation is not uncommon, but forewarned is forearmed. Most often, it is enough to take a prophylactic course of a drug called “Acyclovir” or its analogues to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the procedure.

Emerging problems

Often clients are faced with inexperienced craftsmen and low-quality materials. It is difficult to predict the body's reaction to such a pigment.

The ingress of a foreign substance disrupts the functioning of the immune system. At best, this leads to a rapid removal of the dye from the skin, at worst – to an allergy or infection.

If the pigment application technology is violated, there is a risk of tissue microscarring. Aesthetic problems are also very common.

The artist may choose a color that is too bright or create an asymmetrical pattern. Elimination of deficiencies is possible only with the help of multiple laser procedures.


Often after tattooing, herpetic rashes appear on the skin. Lips are a favorite site of infection. Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of characteristic blisters, grouped together and located in the mucous membranes and on the skin.

About 95% of people are carriers of the infection. The herpes virus lives in the human body for a long time without manifesting itself.

The appearance of herpes negatively affects the healing process. In addition, there is a danger of the appearance of light areas that will have to be eliminated during correction. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend carrying out prevention in advance.

Reasons for appearance

During the tattooing process, the lips are chipped. It is known that there are a large number of nerve endings on the lips, so inserting a needle into this area can provoke herpes disease.

There are several reasons for infection after the procedure:

  • weakening of the immune system;
  • systematic stress on the body;
  • improper disinfection of instruments.

Therefore, if you have recently been ill or are experiencing nervous exhaustion, then in order to avoid a recurrence of herpes, it would be right to reschedule the procedure.

Please note that if the permanent makeup artist did not perform disinfection, the virus may be transmitted to the client.

You were healthy, but after the procedure you became infected with herpes - which means you could have received another person’s virus cells that remained on the surface of the instruments.


Herpes after lip tattooing is a common occurrence. But you shouldn’t refuse the procedure for fear of getting infected. Many drugs cope well with the external symptoms of the disease. For example, acyclovir (Aciclovir) effectively fights the disease.

Acyclovir is a widely used antiviral drug that has selective activity against herpes simplex viruses. It is produced in several dosage forms.

There are tablets, cream and ointment for external use, eye ointment and lyophilisate. Acyclovir fights the virus by inhibiting cell proliferation and also promotes the healing of existing blisters.

The drug relieves pain symptoms, eliminates itching and general intoxication. The main active ingredient of the drug gives it its name - acyclovir.

Excipients: calcium, sodium, potato starch, aerosil, cellulose. Acyclovir, in addition to fighting the virus, strengthens the immune system. The drug acts exclusively on the genetic material of the virus without harming healthy cells.

How to use

Cosmetologists advise taking Acyclovir before lip tattooing. Prevention can prevent the occurrence of herpetic eruptions. If a virus appears, significantly reduce the size of the affected surface and speed up the healing process.

Before the procedure, the drug is used according to one of two schemes:

  1. Short course. 1 tablet 2 times a day. Dosage – 400 mg. The interval between doses should be 12 hours. Start drinking 3 days before tattooing. Duration of treatment – ​​5 days. Acyclovir is taken regardless of food, with a tablet of water.
  2. Long course. 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2 days. Then 1 tablet 2 times a day. Then ½ tablet 2 times a day for 2 days. Dosage – 400 mg.

If, despite prevention, herpes still appears, use acyclovir externally. Cream or ointment is applied locally to the rash blisters. Using acyclovir topically can lead to the removal of dye from the skin, so apply the cream only if absolutely necessary.


Before starting to take the medicine, read the instructions. The drug should not be taken during lactation. During pregnancy, it is taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pay attention to the composition of Acyclovir. Do not use it if you have an allergic reaction to any of the components of the medication.

The drug should be taken with caution in old age, with kidney disease, neurological problems, or neurological reactions to cytotoxic drugs.

If the following symptoms appear, immediately take the drug and consult a doctor:

  • stomach ache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • rash;
  • drowsiness.

Other means

There are analogues of Acyclovir, which also prevent infection and speed up the healing process. For example, Zovirax is a fairly effective drug, especially at the initial stage of the disease.

It is also used for preventive purposes, as it contains the substance acyclovir.

The list of the most effective drugs includes the drug Famvir. It quickly copes with the infection, preventing relapses. The disadvantage of this product is its high cost.

The following drugs are also well known: Valtrex, Pencivir, Vectavir, Erazaban.

To combat herpes, you can use traditional medicine methods. For example, it is recommended to apply salt throughout the day until the symptoms completely disappear. However, you need to be careful. Salt can cause skin redness and swelling. These consequences are especially relevant after tattooing, which has already injured the skin of the lips.

Tea tree oil is also effective in treating herpes. It must be applied to the affected surface 2-3 times a day.

If herpes appears

If prevention does not help to avoid infection, do not panic. Try increasing the dose of the drug based on the instructions. Apply ointment or cream containing acyclovir externally to the affected area.

Acyclovir is applied every 2-3 hours. It is prohibited to touch the site of herpes. If you touch the rash, wash your hands immediately with soap.

Don't touch your eyes too much. If the infection spreads to the cornea, treatment will take a long time.

During an exacerbation, use a personal towel and separate utensils. Refrain from kissing so as not to put your partner at risk. Try to take an antiviral medication as quickly as possible to help relieve the infection.

Tattooing lips, eyebrows, and any part of the body is a surgical procedure. It can hardly be called a full-fledged operation, but some contraindications are the same. Everything related to the healing of a wound of any complexity is incompatible with such a “load” on the blood, such as alcohol and some medications. The tattoo machine traumatizes the skin, and it will take some time to recover - now the body is vulnerable, and there is no need to put it under even more stress.

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Many tattoo artists do not recommend drinking alcohol one day before the procedure and three more days after. Personal prejudices come into play here (not everyone likes to breathe fumes and observe a client in an inadequate state) and medical considerations (it may take three days for a wound to heal). Alcohol will be eliminated from the body in about 24 hours (the speed depends on the strength and amount taken), so it is better not to drink the entire previous day before the procedure. Even if you perform cosmetic surgery to beauty your lips and eyebrows, the skin undergoes changes, despite the slight penetration of the needle (only 0.5 mm). In general, the decision to apply a tattoo should not be spontaneous, so it is quite possible to set aside a couple of days for preparation.

Why can't you drink?

There are several reasons why you should not drink alcohol before and after tattooing:

  1. Alcohol, or more precisely, its ethyl components, is perceived by the body as a poison or a disease that needs to be fought. This task becomes paramount, and all efforts are rushed to the extraction. At this time, the wound remains almost “unattended”, which means it heals more slowly.
  2. Immunity weakened by alcohol during the days of tattooing lips, eyebrows, etc., may become susceptible to infections. Thus, even in sterile conditions you can manage to become infected. And it is alcohol that reduces the body’s defenses, as well as poor lifestyle, sleep patterns and nutrition.
  3. Blood thinning, which is promoted by alcohol, also affects wound healing, and at the same time complicates the tattooing procedure itself. There is a high risk of increased bleeding, which interferes with the application of patterns and fine contours. “Jewelry” touches are especially important if you decide to outline the lines of the eyebrows and lips - it is likely that a repeat procedure will be required, which will already cost a lot of money.
  4. The most important aesthetic reason is the washing out of the pattern. If you drink beer before visiting the salon, lymph will be produced in your blood. This substance is useful (it flushes out infection from the body), but not for tattooing, because along with the “bad substances” the paint, perceived by the body as a foreign element, will also be washed away. Also, pigments may not be absorbed if there is severe bleeding.
  5. Some alcohol increases blood pressure, while other types dilate blood vessels. In both cases, the processes are incompatible with tattooing.

What else is not allowed before and after the procedure

  • aspirin (thins the blood no less than alcohol);
  • coffee;
  • energy;
  • any medications that affect blood pressure or the condition of blood vessels.

Remember that if tattoo wounds take a long time to heal, scars may appear. Then you will need to remove the scars, which is not good for the body and expensive for the wallet, after which you will have to repeat the procedure again.

What can and should be done to make the tattoo take root

Be sure to follow the advice of the master - an experienced specialist will prescribe the best procedure for the rehabilitation of your lips and eyebrows. Most likely, you will be recommended Panthenol ointment, which has a wound-healing effect, or Bepanten with the same functions.

  1. For severe swelling of the lips, eyebrows, and eyelids, you can take any antiallergic drug, for example, suprastin.
  2. If you feel discomfort in your eyes, then drip Visine or Levomycetin.
  3. Before the procedure, it is recommended to take tablets that increase capillary stability, for example, Dicynon.
  4. If you periodically experience rashes (herpes) in the lip area, then buy Acyclovir. Be sure to take one tablet 4 hours before tattooing and drink the remaining 19 tablets every 4 hours after the procedure.

Alcohol has a negative effect on the blood, and coloring pigments are dependent on its normal movement in the body, so you should listen to the master and not drink alcohol before and after tattooing.

Permanent makeup is a popular modern procedure for improving appearance. Nowadays this is a quite popular service, because it allows you to always have an excellent appearance.

To achieve good micropigmentation results and not spoil your appearance, you must follow a number of rules, one of which concerns the use of alcohol. The fact is that before and after the procedure it is completely contraindicated.

Why is alcohol prohibited after and before permanent makeup?

When wondering whether you can drink before permanent makeup, you need to remember its basic properties. Alcohol thins the blood, which is a contraindication. Due to liquid blood, bleeding may begin and the pigment will not adhere well to the layers of the dermis. Therefore, the day before the scheduled procedure, drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

And giving the answer to whether it is possible to drink alcohol after permanent makeup, we note that the reason for the ban is similar. The pigment must be properly distributed under the skin and not be removed prematurely. Healing of damaged skin must occur quickly and correctly, and alcohol causes additional stress, so problems may arise during the recovery period.

Here are the main reasons why alcohol is contraindicated after permanent makeup of eyebrows and other areas of the skin:

  • Taking a dose of alcohol can cause a jump in blood pressure, especially if you are prone to hypertension. With hypertension, blood vessels and capillaries can burst, which will lead to bruising and an unsuccessful result of the procedure.
  • Alcohol can cause the paint to adhere poorly. Blood moves through the vessels faster after drinking alcohol, and lymph is produced more actively. Because of this, blood and lymph more actively remove the pigment introduced under the skin. The brightness of the tattoo will decrease, which means the goal of the procedure will not be achieved and adjustments will have to be made at an additional cost.
  • Alcohol weakens the immune system. An infection can penetrate under the skin and inflammation can begin. Stress, lack of sleep, and poor diet also weaken the immune system.
  • Due to the fact that the body will spend some of its energy removing alcohol, the healing process of the tattoo will take much longer.

To avoid such unpleasant consequences, simply refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages the day before and several days after the procedure.

What else should you not drink besides alcohol?

We found out why you should not drink alcohol after permanent makeup. However, there are other substances that are prohibited before and after the procedure. Their list is small, but important:

  • coffee and caffeinated drinks;
  • energetic drinks;
  • medications that affect blood clotting and blood pressure.

These substances can also slow down healing and affect the quality of the tattoo.

What to do to make micropigmentation successful?

If the liner’s work is done efficiently, then all that’s left is to follow all the recommendations for speedy healing. Alcohol after permanent eyebrow makeup is strictly contraindicated, but there are other restrictions and recommendations:

  • in case of severe swelling, take an antihistamine;
  • if after micropigmentation of the eyebrows or eyelids you feel discomfort in the eyes, then drip them with Visine or levomycin;
  • before the procedure, you can take drugs that increase vascular resistance, for example, dicinone;
  • To avoid the appearance of herpes after lip tattooing, appropriate antiviral drugs are recommended before and after the procedure.

Alcohol has a negative effect on any body, but when performing tattooing it is especially harmful. The master will not be able to guarantee you a decent result, even if he is experienced and does his job as conscientiously as possible. Therefore, to take care of your beauty, give up small pleasures for a very short time, such as a cup of aromatic coffee or a glass of wine in good company. After all, an unsuccessful permanent is very difficult to correct or remove.

Preparation for tattooing is the most important stage of the procedure, affecting the final result. Following the specialist’s recommendations promotes active penetration and fixation of the dye inside the skin. The use of illegal drinks, medications, and lack of care after treatment leads to washing out of pigment and scarring.

At the preliminary consultation before permanent makeup, the specialist gives the client a reminder with instructions for proper preparation for the procedure. Following them will increase your success by 99%.

The importance of the preparation phase cannot be overstated. No matter how responsible and qualified the master is, the duration of the effect and the speed of healing are directly affected by giving up bad habits, alcohol, medications, etc. This is not the fastidiousness of the tattoo artist or beauty salon owners, these are the peculiarities of the human body’s reaction to foreign substances.

The procedure is minimally invasive, is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin, and it is important to prevent the development of complications and annoying consequences. They can be avoided with proper preparation.

Pigment rejection is not the worst problem; other serious complications can develop.

The influence of alcoholic beverages on the outcome of the tattoo procedure

The brokers' rules clearly state that drinking alcohol before tattooing eyebrows, lips, and eyes is strictly prohibited. You should not drink alcoholic beverages for the next three days after treatment. The requirement for preparation is not dictated by personal prejudices - reluctance to work with an inadequate client, fumes, etc. There is a medical reason for everything.

The alcohol withdrawal rate is 24 hours. The indicator can be influenced by the amount and strength of the drink drunk. Preparation before the tattoo procedure eliminates this issue at least 24 hours in advance.

Alcohol affects the body and permanent makeup in the following ways:

  1. Ethyl, which is part of any alcoholic drink, is perceived as a toxic substance that must be withdrawn and eliminated. The body sends all its forces, including reserve ones, to solve the problem. And the tattoo wound remains unattended, becomes inflamed, and takes a long time to heal.
  2. Alcohol consumed before preparing for a session weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to infectious diseases. You can catch an infection even in sterile conditions, using disposable instruments. If there was a lack of sleep with alcohol consumption, fatty foods, inflammation of the future tattoo area may occur.
  3. Alcohol changes the structure of the blood and thins it. This complicates the tattooing procedure. Blood will constantly be released, interfering with the introduction of pigment into the skin layer. Applying the finest strokes and spraying becomes impossible. The shape blurs and becomes uneven. As a result, a repeat procedure will be required.

You definitely cannot drink beer while preparing for tattooing. If you drink a glass of “foam”, lymph will appear in the blood. The substance is important for the body, it flushes out the infection. But it is undesirable during the period of preparation, implementation and healing of tattooing. Lymph with harmful substances will wash away the pigment, because it is perceived as a foreign element. As a result, the paint will not take at all or you will get an unpredictable shade.

Tattoo and coffee

You should not drink coffee before tattooing during the preparation process; when it enters the body, it causes an increase in blood pressure, dilates blood vessels, and makes the blood thin. As a result, after piercing the skin with a needle, heavy bleeding will begin, which will be difficult to stop with improvised means. The effect of the tattoo will be of poor quality, the pigment will not be able to take root. Instead of a bright pattern, there will be a faded blurry spot. Correction may require a repeat session or laser removal. And the duration of the procedure will increase significantly; the specialist will have to constantly stop the bleeding.

What else should you not do before getting a tattoo?

Plan your visit to a cosmetologist in advance and be sure to sign up for a preliminary consultation. A meeting with the artist will help resolve ambiguities in preparation and take important recommendations before tattooing. Many girls go to the salon without thinking that this is a minimally invasive procedure that has a number of contraindications and consequences. There is a list of prohibitions and warnings:

  1. Not the best time for permanent makeup is during menstruation. These days, the blood thins and the risk of bleeding increases. The optimal time is the middle of the cycle.
  2. Remove eyelash extensions if the tattoo will be applied along the edge of the eyelid.
  3. Cure ophthalmological and dermatological inflammatory diseases, including herpes. To prevent its development in the post-procedure period, it is recommended to take a course of Acyclovir during preparation.
  4. Do not take Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or other blood thinning drugs 2 days before the appointed day.
  5. On the day of tattooing, do not take blood pressure pills or diuretics.
  6. Vasodilator drugs are prohibited.
  7. Do not consume energy drinks before preparation!

Strict adherence to the tips will help you get beautiful permanent makeup that will last for a long time.

Recommendations for caring for the tattoo site before the procedure

Immediately after finishing work, the cosmetologist will give instructions on how to care for damaged skin during rehabilitation. The manipulations are somewhat more complicated than when preparing for tattooing. Now the face requires close, constant care.

How to act in different situations:

  1. If there is severe swelling of the treatment area, you can take an antihistamine. One of the most effective and inexpensive is Suprastin.
  2. If there are frequent relapses of herpes, you need to take Acyclovir a few hours before preparing to go to the salon, then drink 1 tablet every 4 hours during the rehabilitation period. Follow the regimen until the end of the package of 20 tablets.
  3. Do not exfoliate your skin for a week.
  4. You cannot pluck hairs for 14 days before tattooing your eyebrows.
  5. Do not paint with aggressive paints a month in advance.
  6. In the last week of preparation, avoid tanning in the open sun without protective equipment.

Permanent makeup, microblading, and powder techniques can greatly simplify the life of an active woman. They remain qualitatively unchanged for about a year and without daily corrections. But in order to achieve permanent coloring, it is necessary to undergo preparation for tattooing in accordance with the requirements of the cosmetologist. It’s easy to give up alcohol and caffeine-containing products for a while for the sake of facial beauty. Just 2 weeks of careful care, rehabilitation and eyebrows, eyes or lips will look like a model from the cover of a glossy magazine. Be attentive to health and beauty. Do not ignore the rules for preparing for tattooing and restorative procedures.


Undoubtedly, working on a tattoo is a rather painful process. In this case, many people have a desire to “relax” before or after the procedure with the help of alcohol. However, is it possible to drink alcohol after the procedure, and what consequences could this have?

Drinking alcohol before and after tattooing

First, it’s worth understanding why you shouldn’t drink alcohol before the procedure. This is due to the ability of alcohol to thin the blood. As a result of this action, during the application of a tattoo, a person may bleed quite heavily, which will interfere with the work of the artist. As a result, the end result will leave much to be desired.

Most artists claim that using alcohol before the procedure prevents pigments from fixing properly in the skin. As a result, the tattoo turns out faded and loses color even more over time.

  • high risk of bleeding;
  • decreased regenerative abilities of the skin.

In addition, during alcohol intoxication, a person can easily contract an infection, which can quickly spread through injured skin. At the same time, there is a high risk of the formation of cosmetic defects such as scars and cicatrices.

Using alcohol before the procedure prevents pigments from attaching to the skin

Should you drink alcohol before eyebrow tattooing?

Despite the fact that tattooing injures the skin somewhat less than applying a full tattoo, nevertheless, artists categorically prohibit drinking alcohol before and after the procedure.

Drinking alcohol before eyebrow tattooing can lead to the following consequences:

  • vasodilation occurs and blood pressure increases, which is a direct contraindication for tattooing. Thus, an experienced master will never perform the procedure on a client while intoxicated;
  • as with a tattoo, blood thinning occurs, which increases the risk of bleeding.

The human body under the influence of alcohol becomes less susceptible to pain. As a result, clients cannot always tell the specialist about unpleasant sensations. For this reason, people often develop quite severe swelling, which affects not only the eyebrows, but also the eyelid area, which looks extremely unaesthetic and brings a lot of inconvenience.

It is also not recommended to drink alcohol after tattooing. The fact is that the body perceives alcohol as a poison that must be gotten rid of as soon as possible. As a result, all the body’s forces are directed toward fighting toxins rather than healing the skin. During this feature, the process of tissue regeneration after eyebrow tattooing occurs 2-3 times slower, in addition, unsightly crusts may form on the surface of the eyebrows.

Lip tattoo and alcohol

As mentioned above, any type of tattoo, including lips, is completely incompatible with alcohol. However, it is not recommended to drink alcohol both before the procedure and for several days after completion. Despite the fact that the procedure is quite easily tolerated by clients of beauty salons, nevertheless, any alcohol, even in minimal doses, can increase the load on the circulatory system several times. In addition, opened bleeding can significantly distort the final result of the master’s work. Thus, it becomes clear why you should not drink alcohol after a tattoo or permanent makeup.

How soon can you drink alcohol?

In this case, determining the interval for how much alcohol should not be drunk depends entirely on the individual characteristics of the salon client’s body, as well as the presence of chronic diseases, especially those related to the vascular and circulatory system. Typically, experts recommend refraining from abuse for up to 3-4 days. After this, the specialist must assess the condition of the skin and the process of their recovery. If a person’s wound healing is extremely slow or an infection has occurred, then the period of abstinence from alcohol increases and can increase up to 3 weeks. It is strictly not recommended to violate this prohibition, as this can lead to quite serious consequences, including the formation of scars.


Creating a tattoo and permanent makeup is a rather serious and responsible step. Temporary abstinence from alcohol is the direct key to the success of this procedure. It is not recommended to violate the prohibitions of specialists. It is important to understand that even a small dose of alcohol can lead to unpredictable consequences, which will be extremely difficult to eliminate in the future. Thus, we can say that drinking alcohol before and after the procedure is strictly prohibited!