Meditation to attract love. Meditation to attract a loved one and happy events Breaking energy ties

Almost everyone has problems in their personal life. Their reasons lie within us - it is an unfavorable mental state or lack of harmony that prevents love from coming into our lives.

Maybe the circumstances are such that you can’t let go of a past relationship because of strong feelings, maybe your ex-partner was rude to you and didn’t value you as a person. It will help to clarify what exactly is blocking you from love. meditation to attract love, possessing powerful force.

The practice is based on simple exercises. They are aimed at changing the mental and physical state, at mental preparation. Thanks to its unique energetic effect, meditation on attracting love prepares a person for a new feeling and eliminates uncertainty.

Preparing for Meditation

In our imagination there is always a man or woman with ideal facial features, a beautiful figure and a good character. This is exactly how we imagine our soulmate - she should be without a single flaw. This is the first barrier that keeps love out.

Of course, the second part of you exists, but it is ideal for you spiritually. The physical shell plays only a secondary role here. And, most likely, the person who will become your partner will not be the least bit similar to the image that you have created in your thoughts all your life.

This meditation to attract love will attract many images into your mind. Try to give each of them a little attention, feel them and accept them. At the very beginning of practice, your state of mind is closed, so this initial stage will help you open up and feel freer.

If you do not ignore all the incoming images, the deepest block will be removed. You will create a mental glow around you that is visible to your significant other, which will help in the search process.

Meditation “Secret Marriage”

Select in advance suitable musical accompaniment for the lesson. For meditation to help you, the best choice would be a quiet and calm melody that promotes maximum relaxation.

You can take a position that is comfortable for you - lying or sitting. The whole body is completely relaxed. Focus on breathing evenly, this will collect all your thoughts.

Then imagine yourself on the shore of a warm sea. The sand pleasantly slips through your fingers. A light breeze touches your hair. Salty drops of water refresh and invigorate. Not a single living soul around you. You enjoy the sounds of nature: the singing of birds, the sound of arriving waves, the rustling of trees.

The state you achieve through this image opens up endless creative possibilities. You are liberated mentally. Thus, meditation on attracting love brings all your thoughts about beauty, harmony and peace into reality.

The main thing is that thoughts about problems do not arise in your head at all. You begin to understand how to correctly set your life priorities. Stay in this state for as long as you need.

Next, look around you. The previously deserted beach is no longer deserted - a figure is visible on the horizon. Remember that this image should in no way correspond to your previous ideas about the ideal lover. All facial features will appear gradually.

The man came very close to you. You feel his warmth. Follow your desires, because further meditation on attracting love does not have any exact recommendations. Your actions must come from the heart.

For example, you might want to swim in warm water or climb a tree, wander along the rocky shores of an island or build a sand castle. The main thing is that you and your image do something together.

When the meditation comes to an end, the person will leave. But don’t be sad - at the right moment he will come to you again.

Meditation “Flame of Love”

This practice was created not for finding a lover, but for renewing extinguished passion. After all, it often happens that spouses live together for many years, and everything seems to be fine, but those hot emotions that were at the very beginning of their love story are missing.

The position remains the same - as comfortable as possible for you. Our meditation on love begins.

Imagine how a small flame lights up near your heart. It is small and provides virtually no heat. Gradually begin to feed it with your energy. Mentally draw how streams of powerful energy intensify the fire. You begin to feel the warmth spreading throughout your body. Enjoy it. At this moment, hold your breath for a while.

If the practice is successful, you will radiate this energy and people around you will feel it. Meditate daily so that the effect does not take long to arrive.

Meditation “Overcoming Loneliness”

It's spring outside, which means that couples in love are increasingly starting to walk down the street. If you look at them with envy, then meditation on attracting love is just for you.

It has long been known that the absence of a loved one nearby has a detrimental effect on all areas of life. And problems start at work, and nothing works out at home, and sometimes your health fails. In this case, an angel will come to the rescue and attract love.

Place a chair in front of the mirror. Sit comfortably. Set yourself up for a positive activity. Mentally scroll through pleasant words about yourself. This will give you confidence. Remember that love will never come to you until you love and respect yourself. Then say the following:

I want to not feel alone. I want to find love. I wish my other half to be in harmony with me. I want to give and receive gifts. I want to feel comfortable next to my loved one. I want to give a piece of myself. I want to see my love every morning. I want happiness for our couple.

You can modify these phrases, but so that they relate specifically to you.

The desire to find your soulmate must be sincere. Open your soul, and love will look into your life very soon. AND meditation to attract love will be a great helper for you!

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Every person living on the planet strives to be happy, successful, rich, loved, have a family and a good job.

Meditation is one of the most effective ways through which almost any person can have everything they dream of.

The main thing is to understand the essence of this important part of the spiritual techniques of the East, since the basis of all yoga exercises is the concentration of a person’s mind on the object that he wants to attract into his life.

The most increased interest is observed in meditations aimed at truly spiritual values, in particular, at attracting love and a loved one. Because very often people who have achieved significant heights in work, career, business, successful and rich, beautiful in appearance, remain lonely and unhappy, not understanding why this is happening to them.

It is meditation, from the point of view of its founders - yogis, that can help a person get what he wants - love and a loved one. To do this, you need a little knowledge about meditation itself, existing practices and a willingness to do it at least 2 times a week.

What is the essence of meditation

Any meditation involves focusing a person on an object that he wants to see in his life. If we want to attract love, then we must concentrate on this feeling.

Yogis say that a feeling cannot arise on its own. For it to appear, you need to open your heart to Universal Love, because love is an energy that a person is not able to create on his own.

Only higher powers can help here. A person can only accept the fact that this energy exists in the Universe, and he can only be its conductor.

On the other hand, for love to enter a person’s life, you need to radiate it yourself, and not just ask someone specific. It may happen that this is not your soulmate at all, and instead of joy and happiness, disappointment will come.

Therefore, in order for your desires to become material, you must, first of all, sincerely open your heart so that love enters it and fills the entire human essence.

If you don’t strive for this, your desire will remain an unfulfilled dream.

We create conditions

Before you begin the meditation process itself, we recommend making some preparations that will make it easier and faster to understand the meditation procedure itself, namely:

  • Try to choose a time when you are sure that no one can disturb you.
  • Find a place that will be most comfortable for you and will allow you to quickly relax. It is advisable that during the exercises there should be twilight or diffused light.
  • Turn off all phones, smartphones, computers, laptops, in general, everything that can suddenly interfere with the meditation process and, thus, throw you off the desired mood.
  • Choose appropriate music. This could be the sounds of nature, the sound of rain, or special music for meditation. It is not recommended to play popular songs or music with sharp changes in key - it will more likely interfere with concentration than contribute to it.
  • Light the candles, choosing pleasant, non-pungent scents.
  • If something is bothering you and you can't relax, try simply breathing deeply for 2-3 minutes or soaking in a bath using essential oils.

Vessel Cleansing Technique

This spiritual technique is practiced by yogis almost before all meditations, since it is a kind of door that allows one to open the heart and soul of a person to perceive the messages of the Universe.

Our lives are mostly filled with disappointments, resentments, fears, and anger, which is one of the main reasons why pure feelings, such as love, bypass us.

It is the “Cleansing the Vessel” meditation that allows you to spiritually cleanse yourself of accumulated negativity and let true true love into your heart. To do this you need:

  • Take a few deep breaths and then close your eyes.
  • Imagine that you are near a stream with clean, transparent water, holding a vessel that resembles your heart in shape, and you see that your vessel is covered in dust, and this dust symbolizes your accumulated fears, pain, suffering, anger that constantly poison your life . You take a clean white handkerchief from your pocket, wet it in the crystal clear water of the stream and begin to wash the vessel. Gradually it becomes cleaner, all negative feelings gradually leave your imaginary vessel.
  • And now your vessel is clean and empty. Mentally fill it with love and light.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

“Breath of Love” technique

Breathing is one of the main elements of any meditation, as it helps to tune in to the desired frequency of waves sent by the Universe.

It is breathing that is the main component when performing the “Breath of Love” meditation.

  • Close your eyes.
  • Mentally imagine that the Divine Mother herself sends you a ray of love, which, passing through your entire being, hits straight into your heart.
  • Breathe in and feel the love flowing through you while repeating the mantra, “I am love itself.”
  • Exhale, thereby releasing love from yourself, saying: “I love.” Feel how this feeling penetrates every cell of your being and bursts out, illuminating everything around you.
  • Tell yourself, “I love you,” and repeat until you feel filled with love.
  • Inhale and exhale slowly again.
  • Open your eyes.

This meditation involves not only attracting love and a loved one into your life, but also the ability to accept the world around you with its shortcomings and suffering.

Techniques for attracting love

This technique will help open and fill your heart with a feeling of true love, get rid of accumulated negativity, and thanks to it, exactly the person you have been waiting for will appear in your life.

  • Take a position in which you feel most comfortable. This can be the traditional yoga lotus pose, or you can lie on the floor with your arms spread out at random.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly, trying to completely relax.
  • Focus on a point slightly above your eyebrows.
  • Banish all thoughts and concentrate completely.
  • Imagine that you are in a crowd of familiar and unfamiliar people. Among them you see relatives, friends, people you have met only once, complete strangers, people with whom you do not have a very pleasant relationship. They, just like you, are in complete silence.

  • Realize that every person in this crowd is worthy of happiness, love, and prosperity.
  • Understand that if all people live in goodness and peace. Then they will be absolutely happy.
  • Thanks to such visualization, warmth will begin to arise in your heart, which, increasing, will turn into a ray of light.
  • Give this ray to all the people around you without exception, wishing them peace, love, and happiness from the bottom of your heart.
  • Taking a deep breath and exhaling, open your eyes.

Technique “Energy of Love”

This technique can change your life dramatically if you practice it every day. Your perseverance will be more than rewarded: new horizons for activity will open, new interesting acquaintances will appear, your life will be filled with happiness and love.

  • Sit in a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Concentrate on a point on your forehead.
  • Imagine that you are in front of a tightly closed door that opens the way to your heart.

It is closed because you yourself locked it, having once experienced pain, suffering, disappointment.

  • But then you slowly open the door and see a huge shiny diamond inside. Huge rays of love energy emanate from him. These rays, falling on you, penetrate every cell of your body, filling them with light. Having been saturated with this energy, your body begins to give it to the world around you, exiting through your fingers. Everything around becomes golden from your touch. You continue to radiate the energy of love, directing it to loved ones, acquaintances, strangers and less pleasant people. Remember that the more you are able to give, the more you will receive in the future.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale.
  • Open your eyes.

Technique “Child - adult”

This meditation in yoga is considered one of the most powerful and effective. It is aimed at preparing the perception of love, removing subconscious blocks that impede concentration and readiness to accept a loved one into your life.

  • Relax and take a position that is comfortable for you.
  • Close your eyes and focus on a point on your forehead.
  • Immerse yourself in yourself, listening to your inner feelings, blocking any thoughts.
  • Imagine that you have just been born, you are a child, you are the purest creature that appeared in this life to be happy, to radiate joy, to receive and give love.
  • Now imagine that you are a young boy (girl). Your body is filled with love, it is beautiful, it radiates love, transmits it to others, and this light of love begins to attract people. Feel this light inside yourself, be filled with this love, love yourself like this.
  • Now you are being transformed again. You are an adult, self-sufficient person. Look at yourself from all sides. Mentally correct all the shortcomings in your opinion. Make your body perfect. Throw away all the complexes that prevent you from enjoying life. Breathe youth, joy, love into your body. Let it sparkle and glow.

It is this kind of body that is most attractive to the opposite sex, it is ready to meet true love, it is capable of giving and receiving love.

  • Imagine that rays emanate from the heart and connect with other hearts. Feel how they strive to get closer to you, your light attracts them. Stay in this state for as long as possible so that your body is completely filled with love and light.
  • Take a deep breath and exhale, gradually returning to reality.
  • Open your eyes.

“Two Halves” Technique

This meditation will allow you to gain confidence in the fact that every person has their own soul mate. And if you haven’t found it yet, then the “Two Halves” practice will most likely be able to help you with this.

  • Turn on pleasant music and take a pose for the most comfortable feeling during meditation.
  • Close your eyes and try to relax as much as possible.
  • Imagine that you are on the shore of your favorite sea, completely alone. You lie down comfortably on the yellow hot sand and watch the clouds, warming your body in the sun. All your grievances, fears, worries and everyday worries remain where you came from. You feel bliss and oneness with the Universe. The soul is filled with light, warmth, love.
  • But then a man appears on the shore. He slowly moves towards you and you understand that this is the one destined by fate. Don’t try to imagine this person, let the one who is destined for you come, because very often your ideal image, compiled by the mind, rarely coincides with reality. Accept the person who comes unquestioningly and over time you will understand that this is really yours.

  • Finally, your soulmate approached you. Think about what you would like to do with her (him): wander along the shore, lie on the sand, swim, dance, etc. Do what you want and as much as you want.
  • But now it’s time for you to part. You let your soulmate go without sadness - you are sure that she will come to you again.
  • Slowly bring your consciousness back to reality by doing breathing exercises and opening your eyes.



For a modern person, meditation to attract love is one of the options for acquiring inner balance, peace, and harmony with the outside world. It helps to attract into a person’s life those things that he needs, and many, thanks to this meditation, finally find the happiness of being loved and happy. Meditation is the best way to develop a positive attitude towards the world around you, as well as to tune and open your heart to new feelings.

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Meditation on love - this is an effective way to find not only your soulmate, but also harmony within yourself.

One of the most popular and widespread is the basis for all techniques that use, its basis- concentration of the human mind on the object of desire.

Often, having achieved success in work, career, business, being quite successful and rich, beautiful in appearance, a person still remains lonely and deeply unhappy, experiencing an acute lack of love.

The founders of meditation saw it as a surefire way to get someone you love.

In this article we will talk about existing practices and the most effective ways into your life.

The Basics of Meditation

Every meditation involves complete merging with nature and focusing on the object that one yearns to possess. In this case, it is love, and you need to concentrate your mind on it.

Woman using self-love meditation can feel desired and loved, thereby attracting that person who will become support and support for life.

She glows with love - you've probably heard these words at least once. But are you glowing? Fireflies (and men) fly to the light. Is there a twinkle in your eyes? Or are you immersed in sad thoughts about your own love misfortunes?

I think everyone has noticed in life that men are literally circling around one woman, courting her, showering her with compliments, they are drawn like a magnet to that woman, although she may not be a beauty. And no one shows interest in another woman at all, although she may even be very beautiful and smart.

There is such a concept of energy as femininity, reproductive energy, sexual energy, these are the main criteria for assessing attractiveness for men. And if a wave of such energy comes from a woman, then a man is attracted to it like a bee to honey, this woman will be in demand, there will be many fans. And it is the beacon of attractiveness that creates the stimulation and accumulation of such energy.

Special work with human energy helps to create a special program that attracts men to women. When such a program is applied to a woman, she radiates energy that attracts men.

The beacon of attractiveness will launch a person’s energy centers. What is most important is that such care does not bring negativity, it does not change someone else’s fate, it does not make adjustments to the fate of the one targeted. The work changes your energy both at the level of the chakras and at the level of the subtle bodies. As a result, the person will generate positive, positive energies. This will change a person, make him stronger, healthier, more creative, wittier, sexier, which will attract the right people, a soul mate, a partner to the person. The beacon of attractiveness can be placed on both men and women and used as a remedy for loneliness.

To attract the attention of the opposite sex, it is not enough to look good and/or wear a fashionable outfit. You need to have a special aura emanating from you - the energy of sensuality and sexuality. It is to her that fans and admirers react, it is she who gives a person the charm and charm of rock.

Many handsome men and beauties remain alone only because they do not know the main thing: in order to know love, you need to attract it! This is what we will do: we will try to learn how to radiate subtle vibrations of love charm into the world around us. But first, let’s focus on the images that we will operate with in this meditation.

Remember some beautiful and strong flower with a mass of strong and lush petals forming a powerful fragrant ball (for example, an aster, chrysanthemum, dahlia or peony).
Remember the tallest, most powerful, beautiful tree you have ever seen. Do you remember? Very good. This means that you can begin to create a “beacon of attractiveness” with the help of a meditation called “Flowers of Love”.

First, let's stand up straight, close our eyes and breathe. Slowly drawing in air through your nose, try to stretch the exhalation as much as possible, releasing the air through slightly parted lips.
After taking three deep breaths, imagine that air enters your body not only through the respiratory organs, but also through the energy centers (chakras) located along the spinal column.

Sit upright, place your hands on your knees, keep your chin straight. Relax.
Concentrate your attention on the tailbone area.
Imagine that the fiery red ball located there begins to grow and increase in size. And you feel a pleasant tingling sensation in the lower abdomen! The tingling zone becomes wider, increasing along with the ball.

The ball strives to go beyond the boundaries of the body; it turns into the bud of a large red flower.
The bud grows very quickly, enlarges and opens before our eyes, “throwing out” with lightning speed, stretching its juicy petals in all directions to the right, left, back and forth, up and down.

The petals straighten, grow, unfold further and further a meter, two, three, as far as imagination and strength is enough!
Having blossomed into a huge, beautiful terry ball, the flower of your first chakra begins to exude an amazing aroma that attracts and attracts all living things around.

Focus on this amazing experience, feel how you send vibrations of sexual attractiveness into the world that captivate the opposite sex! Remember this feeling.

Take a deep breath, hold your breath, and say out loud (out loud or to yourself):

“From now on, I am the bearer of a magical bright red flower with a magical aroma that attracts men (women), with pulsating vibrations of a strong, sexual nature that spread far around. I hypnotize and charm men (women) at first sight.”

Nod vigorously and exhale. Repeat the phrase while holding your breath twice.

Relax, let your attention “go free” for a couple of minutes. Now you don't need to concentrate it on your lower chakra. From now on, the flower you created blooms and sends its signals to the world around you, attracting the attention of the opposite sex to you!

Imagine that the ball begins to enlarge, it grows, reaches the boundaries of the body and blooms into a huge fiery red flower. Strengthen its glow, imagine it even more expressive, shimmering! Let it pulsate, flare up and go out, like a real lighthouse on the seashore, breaking through the clouds and fogs!

Take three deep breaths and, holding your breath, say loudly and confidently:

“My sex chakra has turned into a red, beautiful flower, a magical beacon. With its fiery light and powerful pulsations, it attracts attention and attracts men (women) to me!”


“I don’t know when love ends, but if love ends, then it wasn’t her.”

Sergei Bodrov Jr. wrote these lines in a letter to his wife Svetlana.

These words made a deep impression on me. How strange it is: some people get together almost from school, and live happily until old age, others change relationships, get married, get divorced and start all over again, and still others, often very beautiful, smart and kind-hearted, remain single for a long time time. Sometimes this loneliness can last for several years. Meditation on attracting a loved one and happy events will help open the way for a life partner and bring joy into life.

Someone came up with a myth that a beautiful girl cannot be lonely. She must have a line of admirers vying with each other to offer their hand and heart. However, in practice, everything is completely different: a beautiful, smart, kind girl, ready to turn herself inside out for the sake of a relationship, often ends up lonely. My friend Olya was one of these girls. During our get-togethers with candy and cookies, she complained that another of her potential suitors chose a girl with bright makeup, a vulgar short dress and a not too far-sighted mind, and she once again, as they say, “flew.”

Unable to bear such injustice any longer, I suggested that she try meditation to attract love. Olya, a passionate fan of tarot cards, readily responded to the call. After a couple of weeks, I noticed a change in her. She became beautiful from the inside, her eyes shone, even when her partner had not yet come into her life. After some time, “the one” appeared and now they are planning to live together and get a dog. What techniques can be used to achieve results and what needs to be done, I will tell you further.

Self love

Meditation on happiness and love will certainly attract a bright feeling into your life, but relationships will become full-fledged when you can love yourself. The most eminent authors of self-development books argue that how a person treats himself is how others treat him. If you often neglect yourself for the sake of someone, then your partner will neglect you, if you consider yourself ugly, “not like that,” then men will not appreciate you. Accept yourself, your body, as it is. Yes, with all the figure flaws and freckles on the nose. Accept your explosive or too soft character. Forgive yourself for not knowing how to cross-stitch or bake cakes.

Everything about you is beautiful and there will be someone who will be delighted with the way you look in the morning and cook dumplings. All the shortcomings are in the head. Allow yourself the greatest luxury in the world - to be yourself without the desire to fashion an ideal invented by your head. Think about what is attractive about you, what do you like? Go to the mirror and admire these features. Regularly remember compliments or how great you did something. Savor the sensations. Remember the most “delicious” kisses, touching moments that brought happiness and focus on them. Go deep into the sensations.

Forget your loved one

Meditation “Forgetting a Loved One” will help in working through past negativity and grievances that prevent you from moving forward and meeting new love:

  • take a comfortable position, make sure your back is straight;
  • close your eyes, focus on breathing;
  • relax;
  • breathe deeply until thoughts remain on the sidelines;
  • imagine the internal situation and the man who needs to be released;
  • greet him and tell him that you want to express the feelings that remained suppressed, the words that remained unspoken, in order to become free and happy in your new life;
  • I am very offended by you for... and list all the reasons;
  • when everything is listed, say: I’m angry with you because...;
  • I am disappointed…;
  • I was scared…;
  • I'm in pain...;
  • I'm upset…;
  • I forgive you here and now, no matter what. I want to start a new life, I forgive you... forgive me for.... I didn't do it out of malice;
  • I accept you as you are, with all your flaws, because you will not become different. I accept you. I accept myself as I am. I love myself this way and thank you for everything good and warm and for the experience gained. I thank you for... And for our parting;
  • I'm letting you go here and now. Give me back everything that I gave you that belonged to me. Let the man hold something out to you. Accept it as your own, returned to yourself and feel it in your hands;
  • and now, I want you to take everything that is yours - and give him what is in your hands. Let him accept it, be grateful for what you received.

Give thanks and let go, feel complete. Say goodbye, gently return to reality.

Breaking energy ties

Meditation on breaking energy ties with a man helps to ensure that your energy does not go to a person who has long been in the past or simply negative connections.

  1. Tune in for cleansing, close your eyes, breathe slowly and deeply.
  2. Keep breathing until your thoughts stop.
  3. Imagine a white shining space.
  4. You see people connected to you from different periods of your life, even those you have forgotten.
  5. Look at them.
  6. You are connected to each person by threads from the solar plexus. For some they are bright, for others they are neutral. Dark threads are people who take away energy. These are both men and ex-girlfriends.
  7. Say goodbye to them.
  8. Cut these threads with the purple light one at a time.
  9. Look these people in the eyes and say “I forgive and let go, thank you.”

The attraction of a loved one

I tried this method several times and each time it surprised me very much. Speaking about self-love, I have already mentioned the point that you need to focus on sensations. Then the law of attraction comes into play, which always operates. This is a kind of meditation to attract love, but it is performed without reading mantras and paraphernalia. Although, mantras won’t ruin things. This method is especially good when you need to restore relationships. I used it as a meditation for the return of a loved one after a quarrel, but it can be used in other areas of life. I read in Niko Bauman’s book:

  1. Turn off your phone and computer.
  2. Try to turn off your internal dialogue.
  3. Imagine the image of your loved one, his smile, his eyes, everything that you like about him.
  4. Remember the pleasant moments associated with him. Concentrate on the pleasant sensations, again feel the hugs, kisses, gaze and surroundings.
  5. After some time, you will feel that you are starting to “lift”, as it were. This means that you have switched to a different energy frequency associated with a loved one and the law of attraction has begun its work. Stay in this state for some time.

What is very important here: it is better to do this work before going to bed, I will explain why: most of us become attached to the result. Constantly checking emails and SMS will have the opposite effect: you will be upset that there is no result, the law of attraction will respond and everything will be in vain. When I first practiced this method, I stayed in memories for about forty minutes, after which I went to bed. Four hours later, my lover stood on the threshold of my apartment. Before this day, I tried to talk to him for about four months. This is a comprehensive meditation for attracting loved ones and happy events.

Sending love

Meditation of tenderness and love, proposed by Klaus Joule:

  • imagine that your heart has an imaginary valve;
  • open it and start sending love from your heart to another person;
  • continue to do this for three to four minutes every day;
  • Send the person love, but don't overwhelm them.

Most likely, you will immediately notice the result, but do not rush to rejoice too much. You have discovered the source of the most powerful energy of all. The love that you will experience will begin to wash away from your soul all the worst things that have accumulated throughout your life. You and your partner will experience outbursts of emotional outbursts. This is fine. This way negative experiences will come out. Allow yourself and your loved one to free yourself from all the burden that prevents you from moving forward.


The feeling of gratitude is the shortest meditation on marriage and the acquisition of any good. When we are grateful, we move to the frequency of reality where what we want already exists. With the help of gratitude for future benefits (love, health, prosperity), other people managed to achieve what they wanted, and you can too.


Meditation on forgiving a man will help overcome resentment and guilt:

  • close your eyes, breathe deeply and evenly;
  • imagine the image of your loved one, how you are standing on different banks, the water is muddy and dirty, there is a lot of mud and frogs. This is energetic stagnation;
  • look at your loved one or former loved one, what is he like? Pay attention to his eyes, emotions, feelings;
  • pay attention to yourself and your feelings, image;
  • look at each other;
  • mentally say hello and speak out;
  • ask for forgiveness and say that you feel guilty, talk about your emotions;
  • let healing light flow from your heart and body, say “I’m sorry, I’m very sorry”;
  • the water becomes clean and transparent;
  • light energy comes to him;
  • look at the reaction and change of image;
  • look at the clean water;
  • everything is healed between you;
  • hear that he also asks for forgiveness;
  • thank;
  • watch how the image dissolves in water.

Repeat this practice twice a day for two weeks.


The best meditation on love before bed. Imagine how happy you are with a man. Feel it with every cell. Look at your shared home, pets, garden or anything else. See how happy your loved one is and focus on your feelings. Practice for at least 10 minutes before bed. Then the subconscious mind itself will build the necessary circumstances.

Meditation to attract a soul mate will save you from having to break through external walls. With its help you can attract new relationships or heal old ones. The main thing is to believe in the result.